Tavie: Twins
Tavie: Coco Cay
Tavie: Dumpy McGee in the middle of the sea
Tavie: Library
Tavie: Almost drunk
Tavie: Drunk now
Tavie: Cheesy 70's-themed stage show
Tavie: Elephant towels
Tavie: The ship's cap'n
Tavie: Majesty of the Sea
Tavie: Deck Tavie
Tavie: Her Majesty
Tavie: Night deck
Tavie: 70's stage show of cheesiness
Tavie: Deck
Tavie: View from our cabin
Tavie: Cuban food at Miami International
Tavie: Mom in the library
Tavie: Deck Mom
Tavie: Lunch on Coco Cay
Tavie: Lobby
Tavie: Elevator Mom
Tavie: Oh will the 70's ever end
Tavie: The photo I always take
Tavie: In the elevator
Tavie: Coco Cay
Tavie: Coco Cay mermaid fountain
Tavie: Mom and the daquiri of truth
Tavie: Cococococococo Cayayayayayay
Tavie: Champagnuh