AnBind: Sechsfleck-Widderchen auf Kartäusernelke
Small and Beautiful: Curls on the magnolia
Paul McGoveran: Blue-eyed Darner 7843
Andreas Stamm: Ein Platz zum verweilen.
Andreas Stamm: Stürzendes Wasser.
sallywagnerhale: Searching the Marsh - HSS
dandridgebrian: After The Rain-8502585
dandridgebrian: Bugs spotted on plants while at the Delphi archeological site
dandridgebrian: 80151 heads north from Sheffield Park Station
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_7033-1(W) Poison Rock Frog (Odorrana hosii)
Kieran Palmer: Poinciana longicorn beetle (Agrianome spinicollis) these guys may look mean and nasty however they are non venomous/dangerous and would rather sitting in a tree somewhere eating leafs/bark as opposed to fumbling around the house lights they often end up.
Philippe Garcelon: Orchesella villosa
AchimOWL: Zwei Dicyrtomina ornata forma couloni (Kugelspringer) Collembola beim Grasen auf einem Baumstumpf
Benjamin Fabian: Boreus hyemalis (Linnaeus, 1767)
chappietam: Two Spined Spider
Spidergirl94: Xamiatus rubifrons Red-jawed Bearded Wishbone Spider
AlistairKiwi: white nudibranch
alberto.zamprogna: Spring Once Again
photos.afisher: Salty Sid
Xevi Rafanell: P8150218-1
quenoteam: eupholus schoenherri
Libor Kubát: Hispa atra
Beetle1972: Flying ladybug..
JJ8822: close up
Serkiz Oleg: Close-up portrait of a male Evarcha Arcuata jumping spider
chappietam: Window mantis
chappietam: Male Orange Legged Spotted Ground Swift Spider