Beatriz Aluares: First floor, before opening
Beatriz Aluares: Study booths
Beatriz Aluares: First floor display
Beatriz Aluares: Media room
Beatriz Aluares: First floor study room
Beatriz Aluares: Rare books room
Beatriz Aluares: Rare books room
Beatriz Aluares: Rare books room
Beatriz Aluares: Shakespeare reading area
Beatriz Aluares: New signage!
Beatriz Aluares: Reading nook
Beatriz Aluares: Reference desk and offices
Beatriz Aluares: Sconce lighting
Beatriz Aluares: First floor
Beatriz Aluares: Periodicals room
Beatriz Aluares: Magazine display
Beatriz Aluares: Opening celebration
Beatriz Aluares: Opening celebration
Beatriz Aluares: Front of building
Beatriz Aluares: Headmaster Rob Hershey and Rev. Gideon Pollach
Beatriz Aluares: Academic Dean Mary Fielder
Beatriz Aluares: Opening celebration
Beatriz Aluares: Chuck Leonard
Beatriz Aluares: Library Director Abby Cross
Beatriz Aluares: Mr. Hershey prepares to speak
Beatriz Aluares: Mr. Hershey speaks
Beatriz Aluares: Mr. Hershey
Beatriz Aluares: Rev. Pollach, Ms. Cross, Ms. Fielder
Beatriz Aluares: Student listens to Mr. Hershey
Beatriz Aluares: Faculty grouping