Fifth line: Gral Grievous Redesign
Sumi-e Kazu Shimura: Chrysanthemum - 菊 -
AluminumStudios: 4th of July Fireworks
Makoto-san (luv Mayuha): Scene from the movie Samsara 2011.
sumi-e patricia inés: Sueño Nocturno
otto_atti: LMG rotary tattoo machine
仏教美術 念佛宗(念仏宗)The: 龍彫刻 Dragon - 念佛宗(念仏宗無量寿寺) 兵庫県加東市004
仏教美術 念佛宗(念仏宗)The: 龍彫刻 Dragon - 念佛宗(念仏宗無量寿寺) 兵庫県加東市001
gongtides: 草意篆文
Terry Ribera: First pass of color over underpainting., #sandiego #tattoo #custom #northpark #sandiegotattoo #terryribera #remingtontattoo @terryribera @remingtontattoo
LIVEILLUSION photography: Night Action Tattoo
LIVEILLUSION photography: Sydney Tattoo Expo 12/3/11
LIVEILLUSION photography: Sydney Tattoo Expo 12/3/11
LIVEILLUSION photography: Night Action Tattoo - Yuzen
LIVEILLUSION photography: Kimiko ~ Sydney Tattoo Expo 12/3/11
Capital Collections: Portrait of a man
S Brailsford: Nalanda
ascendent: buddha
mauve55: DSC_4632
otto_atti: L.M.G. rotary machine
Steven Vigar Photography: Taipei Taiwan Tattoo Convention
Steven Vigar Photography: Taipei Taiwan Tattoo Convention
Steven Vigar Photography: Taipei Taiwan Tattoo Convention