joseba.eskubi: Sin título, óleo sobre papel 41 x 31 cm.
joseba.eskubi: Sin título, óleo sobre papel 41 x 31 cm.
yuki kitazumi 北住ユキ 2: 制多伽童子 高野山 seitakadouji kouyasan
fede ©: hiperrealismo
shio: GR007375
tessar lo: 'empty mental block,' —one of the pieces that will be at breeze block gallery for the buddy system invitational show this week, thank you @edwinushiro, @svenman and @breezeblockgallery #buddysysteminvitational #breezeblockgallery ※〆❾\*●◆○
winstony: rained out Friday evening, going home #phillygram
SPDphotostream: Ken DeLago and Dirk Barnett working on DESIGN finalist scores
you can count on me: sugar saucers
laurofonte: Pet People
laurofonte: Pet People
川貝母 Inca Pan: 02 - StraStrangers in a Strange Landnge animal 2
tzotzil: Darth Vader
sweetopia*: rose cupcakes in polka dot liners
LOOK OUT THE WINDOW: Royal Doulton, Burslem
LOOK OUT THE WINDOW: Royal Doulton, Burslem
Werner Schnell, Siegen: Neo Rauch, Pinakothek der Moderne, München
Matthew Felix Sun: Acker 2002 Neo Rauch
escapetonewyork: neo rauch at the met
nicknamemiket: Ushiwakamaru - Abalone and Mantis Shrimp
Mhicheil: Tweeds Cafe/Twin Peaks
i_am_ümlaut: The Twin Peaks Cafe