Katharine’s photos: Little people
Katharine’s photos: Little people 3
Katharine’s photos: The schoolgirls came in three by three
Katharine’s photos: Evening in Kurashiki #1
Katharine’s photos: Evening in Kurashiki #2
Katharine’s photos: Evening in Kurashiki #3
Katharine’s photos: Evening in Kurashiki #4
Katharine’s photos: Evening in Kurashiki #5
Katharine’s photos: Teramachi-dori, Kyoto
Katharine’s photos: Vanishing point - iphone
Katharine’s photos: Tranquility in the Bamboo Forest at Arashiyama, Kyoto
Katharine’s photos: Autumn colour
Katharine’s photos: Pomegranates
Katharine’s photos: A man and his owl
Katharine’s photos: Obligatory selfie!
Katharine’s photos: Feeding the deer in Nara
Katharine’s photos: Checking the shot
Katharine’s photos: People watching
Katharine’s photos: Japanese fungi
Katharine’s photos: The gardens at Fujiya Hotel
Katharine’s photos: Fujiya Hotel in the mist
Katharine’s photos: Stairway to heaven, perhaps?
Katharine’s photos: Shorai-an Japanese restaurant
Katharine’s photos: Water mill in the gardens of Fujiya Hotel at Miyanoshita
Katharine’s photos: HBBBT: Japanese orb weaving spider #2
Katharine’s photos: HBBBT: Japanese orb weaving spider
Katharine’s photos: A view of Nandai-mon through the trees