Foto Blitz Color: Framed by Cherry Blossoms
Nicolas Valentin: Oh look ,there is a rainbow !
JennyHuang: Sea Squirts (Tunicates)
fetopher: Dizzying Pink
The Norwegian: lo five
PedroMadruga: Physeter Macrocephalus
PedroMadruga: Physeter Macrocephalus
PedroMadruga: Delphinus Delphis
PedroMadruga: Stenella coeruleoalba
PedroMadruga: Delphinus delphis
JucaFii: Erêzinha Poser.
heavenuphere: exploring in green
Arkfinder: Sunset at Reine, Lofoten islands, Norway
kartoffel: Hamburg Speicherstadt
artic pj: Night shot of Håja
artic pj: Sommarøy Panorama
artic pj: Coca Cola Water Droplets
VidarB: Grandfather 2
The Norwegian: family portrait - kind of...
heavenuphere: big cat
The Norwegian: stonehenge
The Norwegian: stonehenge
The Norwegian: Nightsky in Hyde park
The Norwegian: tusenfryd - a thousand joys
The Norwegian: Take-off
Justforme: Our new angel girl
Sergey Yeliseev: Redpoll
The Norwegian: the dance of love