Tatanka 23: Cigale1
Tatanka 23: LibelluleLM2
Tatanka 23: LibelluleLM5
Tatanka 23: Chenille vendéenne 3
Tatanka 23: Chenille vendéenne 2
Tatanka 23: Chenille vendéenne
Tatanka 23: Sur une fougère...
Tatanka 23: Cigale3
Tatanka 23: Cigale, mue
Tatanka 23: Fourmi
Tatanka 23: Bestiole
Tatanka 23: Caterpillar
Tatanka 23: Caterpillar 2
Tatanka 23: You talking to me?!
Tatanka 23: Yummy!
Tatanka 23: Grasshopper
Tatanka 23: Ah, love again!
Tatanka 23: Beauty and the Beast
Tatanka 23: Yummy
Tatanka 23: Abeille
Tatanka 23: Hyménoptère
Tatanka 23: Coléoptère
Tatanka 23: Agrion, donc!
Tatanka 23: Cétoine
Tatanka 23: Green fly 2
Tatanka 23: Green fly
Tatanka 23: Hanneton
Tatanka 23: What the hell is that???
Tatanka 23: Butterfly