tat2dqltr: Sound asleep
tat2dqltr: Morning cat scan
tat2dqltr: "New" bed
tat2dqltr: Our other cats are cute too!
tat2dqltr: It's official, cooler weather is here
tat2dqltr: Cuddling on an angle
tat2dqltr: "This isn't home"
tat2dqltr: Hope your weekend was just as lazy
tat2dqltr: That time of year again
tat2dqltr: "Lizard Dance"
tat2dqltr: When he refuses to move while I'm sewing
tat2dqltr: Careful inspection
tat2dqltr: mood
tat2dqltr: "What's that smell?"
tat2dqltr: My nap buddy
tat2dqltr: Nap buddy
tat2dqltr: Afternoon nap with Oz
tat2dqltr: My sewing room buddies
tat2dqltr: Enjoying the view from up high
tat2dqltr: Nap buddy
tat2dqltr: Close up cuddles
tat2dqltr: Synchronized
tat2dqltr: Back in the sink
tat2dqltr: Caturday curl up
tat2dqltr: "you smell funny"
tat2dqltr: It's been a long week
tat2dqltr: Always helping
tat2dqltr: The calm before the vet visit
tat2dqltr: "Hey!"
tat2dqltr: Caught in a loop