顔なし: Jenn Takes A Picture
顔なし: Jenn Takes Another Picture
顔なし: Jenn Takes A Takoyaki Picture
顔なし: Jenn Takes A Bug Picture
顔なし: Jenn Takes A Glass Darkly Picture
顔なし: Some Animals are more Equal than Others.
顔なし: There's a demon in this box and he can't see outside it and no light can get in, and the hours go by and by forever and there's nothing for him to do except when I press this button it opens up a little window and the demon draws what he sees.
顔なし: I guess I really need to clean this thing
顔なし: Trapped in a Box
顔なし: Hey you want I should mess uppa your face? Gedouddahea!
顔なし: Time Time Time Time Time
顔なし: Violence is inherent in the System
顔なし: Welcome To...
顔なし: So Live
顔なし: The Song of Marseille
顔なし: It offered me 500 dollars to bring it a fresh sewer rat, they had it on a diet so it only got the lean farm raised stuff. I don't know where it got the $500 from but I don't know where it expected me to get it a rat from either
顔なし: When you feel like you've been turning the same corner on the same road forever, well
顔なし: A Beautiful Highway from Point A to Point B inevitably will fall in love with Point C.
顔なし: Super Lostio Boys
顔なし: The Voyuer of Utter Destruction,