Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited heading west past Peguin (Don Stephens collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
(Don Stephens collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited in holiday mode at Western Junction. Consist is Y + X locos, DZ, AAR, AAR, ACS, BBL, BBL, ACS, DA, DZ
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited headed by X + Y locos near Berriedale (Don Stephens collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
The morning service that morphed into the Tasman Limited, pausing at Bridgewater, c 1952. (Don Stephens collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited promotional material
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited advertisement in newspaper
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited crossing the bridge near Perth (Don Stephens collection).
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited publicity photo of buffet staff
Tasmanian Trains:
Y 7 heading the Tasman Limited at Hobart, 1976 (reproduced from "Along the Line in Tasmania" - Book One.
Tasmanian Trains:
Television still from nn board the last Tasman Limited, July 1978 (TNT-9 Launceston).
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited publicity photo showing ACS interior
Tasmanian Trains:
Interior of ACS buffet, (HJW Stokes collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
Still from TNT 9 News, 1978
Tasmanian Trains:
X 1 heading the Tasman Limited at Perth, 1971 (reproduced from "Railway Centenary in Tasmania", William A Bayley)
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited passing just west of Penguin (Don Stephens collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited west of Penguin (Don Stephens collection).
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited passing Government House (Don Stephens collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited on north west coast (Don Stephens photo)
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited approaching Hayley
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited passing Goulds Lagoon, Granton (Don Stephens collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
south-bound Tasman Limited passing Goulds Lagoon, Granton (Don Stephens collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited approaching Hobart Bridge (Don Stephens collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited near Penguin (Don Stephens collection)
Tasmanian Trains:
Tasman Limited passing through rock cutting west of Penguin
Tasmanian Trains:
construction of ACS roof, Launceston Workshops
Tasmanian Trains:
construction of ACS roof, Launceston workshops
Tasmanian Trains:
ACS construction at Launceston workshops
Tasmanian Trains:
ACS construction at Launceston workshops
Tasmanian Trains:
Interior of ACS car