tasialabastro: Finishing the year off strong by sharing it with old buds, and forging new friends! Always focusing on ground work. Foundations make you fly!
tasialabastro: Curious Epsilon is curious. #cat
tasialabastro: What's yours is mine!
tasialabastro: I get by with a little ELP from my friends!
tasialabastro: Obligatory backstage-in-costume picture! #theatre
tasialabastro: Current mood: Rainy day Tabby.
tasialabastro: I usually don't post my video game related photos here on Instagram but I'm feeling especially silly today. Join me sometime on twitch.tv/kreenpananas LIVESTREAM. And let me know if you have any questions.
tasialabastro: You are the leaf in my cupcake. #romance
tasialabastro: Equal parts work and play; gulping down a delicious grog of life. #theatrearts
tasialabastro: Nap time!
tasialabastro: Approaching...
tasialabastro: The calm before the calm of the storm...
tasialabastro: Step, step, meow. #cat
tasialabastro: Nice to meat you.
tasialabastro: A stretch of isolation. Caught a glimpse while on Amtrak.
tasialabastro: The view of a modern day crime fighter! #sanfrancisco
tasialabastro: The on-going battle between the Golden Gate Bridge and @karlthefog! No clear victor... #sanfrancisco
tasialabastro: Back when the alphabets got along with the numericals and you'd get communication.
tasialabastro: Follow the sun stained road, with your best friend!
tasialabastro: Esperanza has the second floor.
tasialabastro: More urban exploration in #sanfrancisco.
tasialabastro: San Francisco urban exploration. #bayarea
tasialabastro: All aboard. Homeward bound. A wee restless...
tasialabastro: "My foot looks like a piece of meat." - Karo (a stranger I met on BART). Her bicycle chain came unhinged. #sanfrancisco
tasialabastro: Windy af! #sanfrancisco
tasialabastro: Thur be mhurrrrrdurrrr @killingmylobster!
tasialabastro: No speed-dialing here. #sanfrancisco
tasialabastro: Communication. Collaboration. Foundations of theatre! Director and Stage Manager.
tasialabastro: Citizens of BART. A commuter journal of #sanfrancisco.
tasialabastro: More #sanfrancisco peaks for my out-of-town friends who are coming down for #twitchcon! Clear day in the Bay!