taryneast: "lemmon mead" recipe
taryneast: my guesstimations...
taryneast: where I got my honey
taryneast: ingredients
taryneast: "take... water and honey... and set them on ye fyre"
taryneast: after mixing.
taryneast: "boyle them three quarters of an hour"
taryneast: "six penniworth of cloves & mace... and as much of rosemary"
taryneast: "keep them continually skimming"
taryneast: "...continually skimming"
taryneast: scum and villainy...
taryneast: "then add [the spices] and boyle them one quarter of an hour longer"
taryneast: "take [lemmons] and put them in a vessel ... take the liquor boyling...& pour it into the vessel"
taryneast: til it bear the weight of an egge...
taryneast: "to the width of a groat"
taryneast: "when the liquor is almost cold... [add] good yest"
taryneast: yest added
taryneast: working...
taryneast: "one race of ginger"
taryneast: "...sliced"
taryneast: and boiled.