taryneast: A river runs through it...
taryneast: River sheep
taryneast: Enjoying the sunshine
taryneast: The Spire
taryneast: River, sheep, pussy-willow
taryneast: Spotty sheep
taryneast: Spotty sheep
taryneast: Royal gate
taryneast: It's the size of the thing...
taryneast: Front and centre
taryneast: Salisbury ceiling
taryneast: Unrestored, but still beautiful
taryneast: Lord Mompesson and Dame Katherine
taryneast: Dame Katherine
taryneast: Dame's shoes
taryneast: Letters Patent from King Henry VI
taryneast: 13thC Bible
taryneast: Medieval bible - part ij
taryneast: Get-out-of-hell-free re: Thomas-a-Becket's murder
taryneast: The pupil of the eye
taryneast: Humphrey Henchman - what a name
taryneast: Cloisters
taryneast: More cloisters
taryneast: Looking out
taryneast: We three kings...
taryneast: Police Box
taryneast: Loch Garraidh
taryneast: Strome Ferry
taryneast: Glencoe - HDR
taryneast: Lay on!