Michel Coutty: 20161215_174426 a
Michel Coutty: 20161215_174114 c
Michel Coutty: DSC_9720 b
Michel Coutty: DSC_8686 c
Michel Coutty: DSC_8658 b
Michel Coutty: 20161215_174639
Michel Coutty: DSC_9761 F
Michel Coutty: DSC_9733
Michel Coutty: 20161215_184423
Michel Coutty: 20161221_164226
Michel Coutty: 20161221_160905 b
Michel Coutty: 20161221_155044
Michel Coutty: 20161221_160433
Michel Coutty: 20161221_155354
Michel Coutty: 20161221_115619
Michel Coutty: DSC_9172
Michel Coutty: 20161219_140918
Michel Coutty: DSC_9177 a
Michel Coutty: DSC_9179 a
Michel Coutty: 20161221_101728 b
Michel Coutty: DSC_9178
Michel Coutty: DSC_9136
Michel Coutty: Top station in Munnar: tea plantation in the mist.
Michel Coutty: DSC_8805 b
Michel Coutty: DSC_8927 b
Michel Coutty: 20161231_204050
Michel Coutty: 20161225_171137 b
Michel Coutty: DSC_9549 F
Michel Coutty: DSC_9354 b
Michel Coutty: DSC_9570 F The old man, the ...crow and the sea