Tarnie: Virgin Atlantic
Tarnie: Melons
Tarnie: Bacon
Tarnie: Manhattan from East River State Park
Tarnie: McCarren Park Manhattan view
Tarnie: Papers
Tarnie: Juxtapose
Tarnie: Tall dogs
Tarnie: Summer in the city
Tarnie: Furs and paws and feet and claws
Tarnie: Waiting for the ferry
Tarnie: Under Brooklyn Bridge in a storm
Tarnie: Stormy river Liberty
Tarnie: Leaving
Tarnie: Under Manhattan bridge
Tarnie: Brooklyn Bridge
Tarnie: Liberty distance
Tarnie: The Highline
Tarnie: Highline bird houses
Tarnie: I spy
Tarnie: City layers
Tarnie: Raindrops
Tarnie: Highline view