tarintowers: The Invisible Pier, Angry, With Farm
tarintowers: Invisible Pier: Let Me Know When That Dove Gets Back
tarintowers: Invisible Pier: I've Always Felt I Would Learn My Purpose
tarintowers: Invisible Pier: Eleven, But One Is Taller
tarintowers: Invisible Pier: Fun With Parallelograms
tarintowers: Quartet 1: Invisible Pier, Volume 3
tarintowers: Invisible Pier: It's all about the weather, man
tarintowers: Invisible Pier: Diving Board Masquerade
tarintowers: Invisible Pier: My Spiritual Father Is a Can of Pabst Blue Ribbon
tarintowers: Invisible Pier: Time Waits For Me, Personally
tarintowers: Reflecting the Hell Out of Hunter's Point
tarintowers: Invisible Pier 5: The Smokestack Decides Everything
tarintowers: The Invisible Pier 2
tarintowers: The Invisible Pier
tarintowers: Invisible Pier: How Long Did They Say That Dove Was Going To Be?
tarintowers: Quartet 3: Invisible Pier, Volume 3
tarintowers: Quartet 2: Invisible Pier, Volume 3
tarintowers: Carrie (Chain Link, Three-Quarter View)
tarintowers: Carrie, Mirror Crane (Profile)
tarintowers: Looks Like She's Seen a Ghost (Carrie, Focus on Water)
tarintowers: Angles (Carrie with Reflected Crane)