Target Salad: 1981 Swiss army bike with holster?
Target Salad: Rally the crap out of that please.
Target Salad: Put out that fire
Target Salad: MIT XC/track late early mid nineties reunion Zurich!
Target Salad: Hand/bike/moto cart
Target Salad: Natural bee house
Target Salad: The whole thing
Target Salad: Hot damn, I want one
Target Salad: "Frame" pump on the Swiss army bikes
Target Salad: Hard working Swiss beavers
Target Salad: Pipe fitter lugs and spoonbrake
Target Salad: Green roof and castle
Target Salad: Cheese bike with mega trailer hitch ( train station rental?)
Target Salad: VW Up! (?)
Target Salad: On top of the target
Target Salad: Next to the proton beam under the target
Target Salad: Betwixt neutron guide tubes
Target Salad: Moo cows
Target Salad: Coverall time
Target Salad: Mur de Brugg
Target Salad: Lab bikes
Target Salad: Giant frame bags
Target Salad: No angry cars/ honking moto's
Target Salad: Cockcroft-Walton
Target Salad: This is a good train ticket. Silver embossed train, bus and ferry up the side.
Target Salad: Laid back city bikes, curvy mopeds and honking moto's. only.
Target Salad: Geoffrey Beene, Joe Perry and their Rock Stars of Science teaming up to ultimately cure cancer! The more I look at this poster ( in the ATL international terminal) the more my head hurts. #fundingisbroken
Target Salad: Brady Bunch. Hawkeye. MLK. All gots them the hep c! Or did I miss a subtlety...