tarboxje: 29MAR11: dogwood blossom
tarboxje: 28MAR11: lichen
tarboxje: 25MAR11: a white oak's first stage
tarboxje: 13MAR11: urn-shaped flowers
tarboxje: 10MAR11: hyacinth after rain
tarboxje: 04MAR11: shamrock flowers
tarboxje: 02APR11: alligator
tarboxje: 21MAR11: liquid light
tarboxje: 05APR11: white oak update
tarboxje: 09APR11: looking an ant in the eye
tarboxje: 12APR11: our backyard
tarboxje: 14APR11: bright eye
tarboxje: 17JAN11: screech owl
tarboxje: 23APR11: rain drops on aster
tarboxje: 24APR11: discarded cicada skins
tarboxje: 25APR: molted cicada
tarboxje: 26APR11: emerging cicada
tarboxje: 29APR11: eastern eyed click beetle
tarboxje: 13MAY11: goodbye, cicadas, goodbye
tarboxje: 10MAY11: moving water
tarboxje: 02JUN11: in residence
tarboxje: 04JUN11: green on green
tarboxje: 07JUN11: chrysanthemum buds
tarboxje: 16JUN11: yellow jacket
tarboxje: 17JUN11: horse nettle
tarboxje: 23JUN11: shadows and tracks
tarboxje: 25JUN11: crepe myrtle flower detail
tarboxje: 26JUN11: mended fence and cows
tarboxje: 29JUN11: seeds in sunlight
tarboxje: 28JUN11: watchful turtle