taratara69: Very yummy homemade Driftwood, PA maple syrup
taratara69: rainstorm rains on the river bank
taratara69: a super cool giant hardwood Maple Sugar Tree
taratara69: Elk all over the place
taratara69: wind blowing the evaporation over and up
taratara69: frozen maple sap sitting in a collection bucket
taratara69: the lids prevent rain from collecting in the sap buckets
taratara69: pulling the ice out of the maple sap collection buckets
taratara69: view lookin down onto the family cabin
taratara69: sideview of the homemade maple sap cooking tank
taratara69: Driftwood Jim's homemade cooking tank made with stainless steel
taratara69: Traditional bow hunting season recently happened in Driftwood, PA
taratara69: A backyard view of the sugarbush Driftwood, PA home
taratara69: The final syrup pour into their bottles.
taratara69: Elk hanging out at the barn grazing land
taratara69: Maple Syrup is ready to distribute
taratara69: big Elk boy
taratara69: PA elk grazing happily on grass
taratara69: pumping some of the collection outta this tank
taratara69: candy tasting topper maple foam
taratara69: barn and hill
taratara69: pushing the syrup out of the cooker
taratara69: early morning elk family
taratara69: One massive Maple Sugar Tree at the family cabin
taratara69: collecting the maple sap / syrup for a final cook off
taratara69: That's is about over 100 gallons of maple tree sap water
taratara69: lots of foam on the 2 day sap cook off
taratara69: Elk are happy
taratara69: exotic wood from traditional archery bow making
taratara69: Driftwood sky