taratara69: felting soft sculpture wool birds in Akron, Ohio
taratara69: felting soft sculpture wool birds in Akron, Ohio
taratara69: needle felting designer art birds
taratara69: needle felting designer art birds
taratara69: needle felting the final touches on feathers
taratara69: adding roving for the feathers
taratara69: Parrot bird felting in progress
taratara69: creative stylization for bird feathers
taratara69: needle felting designer art birds
taratara69: Elvis Bird art and a work of art in progress
taratara69: needle felting designer art birds
taratara69: The Elvis felt bird
taratara69: beading hangers for the birds
taratara69: The Great Migration Civic Arts Project
taratara69: The Great Migration Civic Arts Project
taratara69: wetfelting 3D designer art wool birds
taratara69: wetfelting 3D designer art wool birds
taratara69: wetfelting 3D designer art wool birds
taratara69: working the head
taratara69: working the sholders
taratara69: working the wings
taratara69: felting soft sculpture wool birds in Akron, Ohio
taratara69: That bird wants to fly but can't!
taratara69: drippy birdy!
taratara69: rub a dub dub
taratara69: wet fulling or felting a bird body
taratara69: great bird beak
taratara69: bird bath time
taratara69: water brush tool
taratara69: peep peep