taratara69: soaking wet finished felt tablerunner
taratara69: sun and flower just finishe feltmaking detail
taratara69: Detail of the felted wet wool sun
taratara69: new felters on the block at Kidred Spirits Studios in Wooster, OH
taratara69: a tableunner masterpiece!
taratara69: unrolling the masterpiece
taratara69: times up we are done fulling the felt
taratara69: teamwork always works!
taratara69: lets unroll it up!
taratara69: mashing the hot wet felt in a roll
taratara69: pre felted wool design
taratara69: pre-felted sun detail
taratara69: pre-felted table runner
taratara69: feltmaking teamworkers
taratara69: It's time to get feltmaking!
taratara69: X-mas tree wet felt detail
taratara69: Felmaking completed!
taratara69: see what the shrinkage is...
taratara69: measuring a masterpiece
taratara69: fluffy and puffy pre felt artwork
taratara69: dry needle work of the felt masterpiece
taratara69: fluffy and puffy teamworkers are ready for action
taratara69: learning how to design with wool fleece and wool roving
taratara69: great minds work together