taratara69: Evin, Chuck and Mary visit the house!
taratara69: Jimmy, Evin and Mary.
taratara69: Chuck and Jimmy.
taratara69: Mary and Judy.
taratara69: Evin!
taratara69: Arty the turtle eats breakfast.
taratara69: Julie's scarf on Mary.
taratara69: Mary with Julie's scarf.
taratara69: Tara, Jackie-O, Evin
taratara69: Frozen Pond Water.
taratara69: Frozen Pond.
taratara69: Tug a war.
taratara69: Tug a war.
taratara69: Jackie-O plays tug with Chuck.
taratara69: Amish barn & dog of egg people.
taratara69: Amish barn and dog.
taratara69: Little Amish Barn at egg family's house.
taratara69: Amish Egg Family barn
taratara69: Mount Eaton Elementary School where Tara subs.
taratara69: Amish hitching post at Mt. Eaton.
taratara69: Horse talk in the neighborhood.
taratara69: America and OHIO flags at Mt. Eaton.
taratara69: Inspector Jackie-O observes the wall progression.
taratara69: Inspector Jackie-O studies the opposite wall work.
taratara69: Inspector Jackie-O thinks about the upcoming ceiling work in progress.
taratara69: Front east corner of Big Room.
taratara69: Back west corner of Big Room.
taratara69: Bye Bye ugly ceiling... GET LOST.
taratara69: Done with 2nd day on the ceiling.
taratara69: Inching closer to the front door. How exciting !!