tarasutherland: Mom on route to Paris
tarasutherland: My sociable brother
tarasutherland: Paris Travel Plans
tarasutherland: Arc de Triompe
tarasutherland: DSC_0881.jpg
tarasutherland: Arc de Triomphe carvings
tarasutherland: Arc de Triomphe ceiling patterns
tarasutherland: Arc de Triomphe ceilings
tarasutherland: Arc de Triomphe ceilings
tarasutherland: Birthday Treats
tarasutherland: Champs Elysees
tarasutherland: City Gardens
tarasutherland: DSC_0889.jpg
tarasutherland: Looking up the Eiffel Tower
tarasutherland: Eiffel Tower tours
tarasutherland: French Cafe
tarasutherland: Garlic Escargot
tarasutherland: Happy Birthday Mommy!
tarasutherland: Hotel D'Ville
tarasutherland: DSC_0945.jpg
tarasutherland: Parisian Gardens
tarasutherland: Parisian hotel windows