taragl: Builder Trevor
taragl: Trevor's Room Lath
taragl: Plaster and Lath
taragl: Removing Plaster
taragl: Sunset in the Backyard
taragl: Sunset in the Backyard
taragl: Inside Out House
taragl: Trevor's Room into the office
taragl: Office
taragl: 2nd Floor Landing
taragl: Trevor Upstairs
taragl: Master Bedroom
taragl: Dusty Dave
taragl: Dusty Chris
taragl: DSCN0230
taragl: DSCN0229
taragl: DSCN0228
taragl: DSCN0227
taragl: DSCN0226
taragl: DSCN0225
taragl: DSCN0224
taragl: DSCN0223
taragl: Attic Stuff
taragl: Attic Stuff
taragl: Attic Stuff
taragl: Attic Stuff
taragl: Attic Stuff
taragl: Attic Stuff
taragl: Attic Stuff