tarabunnyears: The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event.
tarabunnyears: Can you spot the little birdy?
tarabunnyears: Spider web meets snow.
tarabunnyears: Snow roses.
tarabunnyears: Red and White
tarabunnyears: Petunia's last day.
tarabunnyears: Fall meets winter.
tarabunnyears: Fall meets winter.
tarabunnyears: Autumn or winter?
tarabunnyears: Brrrrrr
tarabunnyears: Late snow.
tarabunnyears: First Snow
tarabunnyears: My dad's workshop.
tarabunnyears: Cheerfull holly.
tarabunnyears: Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends.
tarabunnyears: Like a red verb over the snow.
tarabunnyears: And only I saw this bird of spring sing one very last winter song.
tarabunnyears: Red, white and blue and a whole lot more white.
tarabunnyears: A tree with snow. (Now that's a creative title.) :P
tarabunnyears: A walk in the snow.
tarabunnyears: His kind of weather.
tarabunnyears: Snowy light.
tarabunnyears: Fun in the snow.
tarabunnyears: Christmas colors.
tarabunnyears: Nature's own Christmas ornaments.
tarabunnyears: Snowfall at nighttime.