tarabunnyears: Freedom is not free.
tarabunnyears: You're the emblem of the land I love.
tarabunnyears: O say, can you see.
tarabunnyears: Proudly display your flag and pink flamingo.
tarabunnyears: Rest soldier, sweetly rest.
tarabunnyears: The ultimate sacrifice.
tarabunnyears: Honorable men and women rest here.
tarabunnyears: Sitting by the riverside.
tarabunnyears: Red, white and blue and a whole lot more white.
tarabunnyears: An American flag is always a welcomed sight.
tarabunnyears: Proud to be an American and a West Virginian!
tarabunnyears: America Shines
tarabunnyears: Proudly waving.
tarabunnyears: Nitro's Fallen Soldiers
tarabunnyears: Rusty Flag
tarabunnyears: Stars and stripes forever.
tarabunnyears: The sun shines on Old Glory.
tarabunnyears: Flying Freedom
tarabunnyears: Falling fence, flying flag.
tarabunnyears: Flying Proudly
tarabunnyears: The flag represents all the values and the liberties Americans have and enjoy everyday.
tarabunnyears: The American flag is the symbol of our freedom, national pride and history.
tarabunnyears: You really don't want to let your kiddies in there.