tarabunnyears: The field was very beautiful and grassy, the beautiful flower was feeling sassy.
tarabunnyears: Glad to see gladiolus.
tarabunnyears: Dainty sweet pea vines, curl baby-finger tendrils gently 'round my heart..
tarabunnyears: I am a rose of Sharon, ...a lily of the valleys.
tarabunnyears: For myself I hold no preferences among flowers, so long as they are wild, free, spontaneous.
tarabunnyears: Metallic flowers?
tarabunnyears: Clusters of flowers.
tarabunnyears: Tis my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breathes!
tarabunnyears: Basting in the sun.
tarabunnyears: If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.
tarabunnyears: Mimosa tree blossom.
tarabunnyears: Life at best is bittersweet.
tarabunnyears: A flower's appeal is in its contradictions - so delicate in form yet strong in fragrance, so small in size yet big in beauty, so short in life yet long on effect.
tarabunnyears: Can we conceive what humanity would be if it did not know the flowers?
tarabunnyears: Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed the soul.
tarabunnyears: My beautiful flower, you got the power.
tarabunnyears: I send thee pansies while the year is young. Yellow as sunshine, purple as the night.
tarabunnyears: I will go, I said, to the country, when the red-bud blooms in the spring. And then, as of old, for sheer rapture, my heart will sing.
tarabunnyears: A flower's appeal is in its contradictions - so delicate in form yet strong in fragrance, so small in size yet big in beauty, so short in life yet long on effect.
tarabunnyears: Pretty in pink.
tarabunnyears: I try to think of funny days. We're walking barefoot on sunrays.
tarabunnyears: Granddaddy Granddaddy, where's your home?
tarabunnyears: I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it.
tarabunnyears: August sunset.
tarabunnyears: And the ants go marching on.
tarabunnyears: Standing proud.
tarabunnyears: Even unfurled, flowers show their beauty,
tarabunnyears: For happiness one needs security, but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair.
tarabunnyears: The beauteous pansies rise in purple, gold, and blue. With tints of rainbow hue mocking the sunset skies.