tarabunnyears: Iron Chef
tarabunnyears: Cousins at play.
tarabunnyears: Let's ride through the tulips.
tarabunnyears: Tunnel of Love
tarabunnyears: I spy with my little eye.
tarabunnyears: Don't ever call me doll.
tarabunnyears: Bicycle tricycle take me far with my hands on your handlebars .
tarabunnyears: “I once had a sweet little doll, dears, the prettiest doll in the world.”
tarabunnyears: Junk is the ideal product... the ultimate merchandise.
tarabunnyears: Who knew pipes welded together could be so much fun.
tarabunnyears: Jump Jivin' Swing
tarabunnyears: Harley Babe
tarabunnyears: Gotta wear a helmet, this big wheel gets up to speeds of 2 miles an hour.
tarabunnyears: The world is your playground. Why aren't you playing?
tarabunnyears: My father would take me to the playground, and put me on mood swings.
tarabunnyears: Riding along on a carousel, trying to catch up to you.
tarabunnyears: Take me back to the rockin’ horse, and start all over again.
tarabunnyears: Pretty in Pink
tarabunnyears: Town hall meeting.
tarabunnyears: Round 'n round, carousel, has got you under it's spell. Moving so fast...but going nowhere.
tarabunnyears: Night Hawk
tarabunnyears: The Phantom gets his revenge.
tarabunnyears: Spongebob's new friend
tarabunnyears: Practicing surfing.
tarabunnyears: I have a doll from days gone by… very worn and tattered. But she was there for me to love… and that’s all that really mattered.