tarabunnyears: Alone with myself, the trees bend to caress me, the shade hugs my heart.
tarabunnyears: The overseer
tarabunnyears: Bare Naked
tarabunnyears: Reflections
tarabunnyears: "There is always music amongst the trees, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it."
tarabunnyears: The trees are God's great alphabet.
tarabunnyears: Trees are poems that earth writes upon the sky.
tarabunnyears: Do not stand at my grave and weep.
tarabunnyears: I fell asleep just staring at the ceiling and dreamt of heart carved trees that never fell.
tarabunnyears: Storms make trees take deeper roots.
tarabunnyears: Naughty Tree?
tarabunnyears: West Virginia State College University
tarabunnyears: That's a pine cone, no matter how much you keep fondling it, it'll never take you to Cabo.
tarabunnyears: Sanctum Sanctorums
tarabunnyears: Can't see the forest for the trees.
tarabunnyears: Autumn is in full force.
tarabunnyears: A spider's work of art.
tarabunnyears: Early Autumn Shadows
tarabunnyears: I want a spot beneath a shade tree. Not right now!! But when the time should come.
tarabunnyears: I imagine tiny little men live here. Living under mushrooms and fighting the ants. Perhaps I should not have eaten these mushrooms. :P
tarabunnyears: The shade comes free with a tree.
tarabunnyears: A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.
tarabunnyears: I think this is a robber's hide out.
tarabunnyears: A squirrel is just a rat with a cuter outfit.
tarabunnyears: Sunrays and Saturdays
tarabunnyears: I have always preferred the reflection of the life to life itself.
tarabunnyears: When will my reflection show who I am inside?