tarabunnyears: Fer Ur Stuff
tarabunnyears: I recommend this place.
tarabunnyears: Hillbilly talk.
tarabunnyears: Standards Schmandards
tarabunnyears: Let's sing the alphabet song.
tarabunnyears: You gotta see it to believe it!!
tarabunnyears: Feel the power!
tarabunnyears: Now I am craving a moonpie.
tarabunnyears: Danger!!
tarabunnyears: A camera hog leaning in to get into the picture.
tarabunnyears: Oh, I remember the day.
tarabunnyears: I went to a general store but they wouldn't let me buy anything specific.
tarabunnyears: Knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque.
tarabunnyears: I was taken to the cleaners.
tarabunnyears: I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.
tarabunnyears: Come on in.
tarabunnyears: reasSIGNed
tarabunnyears: Mystery hole!
tarabunnyears: I saw the sign.
tarabunnyears: Not sure this is a good deal.
tarabunnyears: Death By Bacon
tarabunnyears: You know your in a classy diner when you see this sign.
tarabunnyears: Look better. Feel better.
tarabunnyears: Tetanus Asylum?
tarabunnyears: I see so many shops and often wonder what they sell in there... but this one was quite clear, they sell good stuff.
tarabunnyears: Do not be deceived by the spelling. It is actually pronounced "Flint Holler".
tarabunnyears: The sign that any 4 year old can spot from miles away.