tarabrown: CIMG0848
tarabrown: Funston loves Rage Against the Machine
tarabrown: Best Navigator Evar!
tarabrown: CIMG1050
tarabrown: CIMG1057
tarabrown: CIMG1060
tarabrown: Naveegader skillz. I haz em
tarabrown: Me and my Fave Chi (re-uploaded from @t)
tarabrown: Funston is king of my breasts
tarabrown: Sleepy Funston after navigating the trail
tarabrown: Funston getting a bath
tarabrown: Funston is hangin out while we are in line for iPhones!
tarabrown: Awwww
tarabrown: Funston doing what he does best-navigating
tarabrown: Funston hates being left behind :(
tarabrown: Funston feels right at home at Angela's place
tarabrown: @seanbonner is trying out for the cute league of cuteness
tarabrown: @sabrigley and Funston
tarabrown: Teeny tiny hug
tarabrown: The doodles of my heart
tarabrown: Funston is attempting to entertain me by licking my eyeball
tarabrown: Skeptic
tarabrown: I don't have time for this
tarabrown: Right Hand Dog