tray: welp, see ya later USA
tray: aaaand the line to get in #dk
tray: hey @mperea , look what I found across the street from my friend's apartment :)
tray: crazy Scandinavians.. and their ingenuity! #flushabletoiletpaperroll #genius #ofcourse
tray: good morning danmark!
tray: breakfast #stilllife
tray: mmmmm get in ma belly!!
tray: IMG_8908
tray: IMG_8919
tray: IMG_8936
tray: IMG_8945
tray: IMG_8959
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tray: IMG_8971
tray: IMG_8985
tray: IMG_8986
tray: you can rent this. any takers? #dk
tray: oh middelfart. you still make me giggle :) #im5
tray: hej Odense
tray: please tell me I'm not the only one to see a resemblance here... #boobs
tray: garden party, ready for the food!
tray: IMG_8991
tray: IMG_8994
tray: IMG_9004
tray: IMG_9015
tray: IMG_9016
tray: IMG_9037
tray: IMG_9043
tray: IMG_9044
tray: IMG_9047