tray: the plan
tray: the dane, hard at work. (october 2011)
tray: laying down the path
tray: working in some natural fertilizer
tray: laying the first wood chips down
tray: panoramic of my back yard
tray: more compost added, and soaker hose #1 laid
tray: more dirt!
tray: more dirt/top soil added
tray: the start: a row of peppers, squash, eggplant, mellon, and a couple herbs.
tray: solar powered LED lights added, and some seeds are coming in...
tray: weeding.
tray: still more weeding
tray: green beans are coming in, squash & eggplants are growing nicely
tray: more seeds (planted later than others) are now coming in. :)
tray: lots of weeding still to do.. but everything is growing very nicely.
tray: some summer squash is getting ready
tray: pepper row
tray: a couple salsa peppers are almost ready for harvest
tray: peas
tray: future pumpkins
tray: enjoying fruits (literally) of my labors :)
tray: I know what I'm cooking tomorrow #summersquash #tappsgarden
tray: green beans!
tray: pumpkin plants are getting huge
tray: peas
tray: eggplant
tray: nice melons. :)
tray: pepper row
tray: garden salsa peppers