tray: church
tray: holla
tray: church
tray: chruch
tray: church play
tray: micro acolyte
tray: church... childrens sermon
tray: church
tray: church
tray: installation of pastor michelle
tray: is at church
tray: pastor gaeta
tray: IMG_0187
tray: IMG_0189
tray: IMG_0191
tray: meeting
tray: worship and music comittee meeting
tray: meeting
tray: youth work ministry
tray: work crew group picture
tray: baptisim
tray: psalm
tray: divine word Lutheran church
tray: childrens sermon (and yes, the pastor's dog is also one of the kids) :)
tray: IMG_0313
tray: IMG_0315
tray: Divine Word Lutheran Church
tray: Divine Word Lutheran Church
tray: Divine Word Lutheran Church
tray: @divinewordelca