tray: P3202289
tray: mark
tray: nice hat michele
tray: pati
tray: michelle before recording
tray: michele and her blue drink
tray: kim
tray: connie
tray: kim and janet
tray: michele dancing
tray: dena
tray: me and my b-dad
tray: me and my b-mom, linda
tray: me with my b-mom and 3 (of 4) siblings
tray: nice hat
tray: holla
tray: some people are just baby people
tray: grandma is ready to eat
tray: lunch b-ball break
tray: cleanup
tray: getting gas
tray: Mexican food
tray: locked out
tray: m__flying-text2.jpg
tray: m__lakefrontRocks03-text.jpg
tray: m__sittingStairs-blackNwhiteBG-text2.jpg
tray: a__headshot04-blackShirt-text.jpg
tray: playing accompanist
tray: iron-jamie gym
tray: IMG_6876.JPG