Wil Freeborn: Blockx watercolours
gemma correll: The Chapess - Caitlin Moran
gemma correll: cat vocabulary
der_triton: Jason Molina - Knaack Klub, Berlin - 2002 or so
__J: Abate Fetelente
deepstoat: Photograph somehow taken in 1974, Kolkata India
erdbeerkuchen: Україна
what's my name again?: Film's Not Dead II
lunamtra: Olé
lunamtra: Sprung in den Advent!
Lauren Goode: The Dog Who Wore Glasses
Sugar Crisp: Winter Reflection
nijntjee: 264/366
nijntjee: 263/366
gemma correll: Anatomy of the Pug Owner
lunamtra: Season's greetings
mysterymoor: Berlin
bubi zitrone: IMG_0049
deepstoat: After three hours waiting, Mr Biscuits began to suspect his blind date had stood him up. Again.
ken garduno art: A cropped version of my piece in the Universal Monsters show in Austin tonight
olle_e: Drottningholm Castle
kevin russ: Wendy McColm