Shupac Photography:
Spring 2015
Shupac Photography:
Missing houseboating! #timehop
Shupac Photography:
The end of 2014
Shupac Photography:
The #easterbunny came early this year! #spoileddaughter #chocolate
Shupac Photography:
Birthday Fun
Shupac Photography:
Christmas 2013
Shupac Photography:
Time for a bigger tree! Too many presents #christmas #pressies #presents
Shupac Photography:
70 02 03_0481.JPG
Shupac Photography:
Christmas Dinner Setting 2
Shupac Photography:
12 12 25_0309.JPG
Shupac Photography:
Santa came here as well!
Shupac Photography:
12 12 25_0304.JPG
Shupac Photography:
Santa came!
Shupac Photography:
Santa is coming!