TANZICT: Provost opening the workshop and highlighting how important entrepreneurship is for Tumaini
TANZICT: Charting what we already know and do about entrepreneurship education in Tumaini
TANZICT: One of the Six Thinking Hats is criticism
TANZICT: Someone even took a photo of the facilitator, Jukka from TANZICT, chatting with one of the business school lecturers
TANZICT: Marking meaningful insights from a wall of thoughts
TANZICT: Watching a short video about ProLearning, an entrepreneurship program at Polytechnic of Namibia
TANZICT: Discussing ideas from the videos
TANZICT: GPS Brainstorming session starting
TANZICT: Generating and discussing ideas on the GPS board
TANZICT: In GPS, you can always consult a friend
TANZICT: There were two GPS boards
TANZICT: Generating and discussing ideas on the GPS board
TANZICT: The best way to get an entire room silent
TANZICT: Almost done with brainstorming
TANZICT: Tagging ideas for implementation
TANZICT: Tagging ideas for implementation
TANZICT: Ready! Let's go forward with these ideas!