TANZICT: Financial Manager Mr Mramba of DBTi opening the event
TANZICT: Judges Charles Matondane from Vodacom and Catherinerose Barretto from KINU
TANZICT: Finalist Victor Augustine still relaxed before the pitch
TANZICT: Finalist Arnold Minde showing the winning attitude before the pitch
TANZICT: Hermione from Startup World sharing their journey and idea of the competition
TANZICT: A word from sponsor in form of a song :)
TANZICT: Panel of judges following pitch attentively
TANZICT: First pitcher Guido from Blackmark Corporation
TANZICT: Judge Mihayo Wilmore from UhuruOne asking tough questions from finalists
TANZICT: Second pitcher Victor from Victor Technosolve Empreza
TANZICT: Catherinerose asking hard questions as well
TANZICT: Arnold Minde from Safari Yetu on his pitch
TANZICT: Startup World brought a camera crew
TANZICT: Godfrey Magila from Magilatech pitching Mobile Parliament
TANZICT: Mary from Bomba Designs pitching Harusi Yangu
TANZICT: Surprise pitcher Baraka in slot of a no-show
TANZICT: DTBi Business Development Manager Nathan Were inviting people for lunch while judges deliberate
TANZICT: Eric from Startup World deep in thought
TANZICT: Hon. Deputy Minister January Makamba of MCST announcing the winner
TANZICT: Arnold's reaction to the announcement of the winner
TANZICT: Hon. Dep. Minister Makamba congratulating Arnold Minde
TANZICT: Hermione from Startup World interviewing Arnold and welcoming him to the Silicon Valley finale
TANZICT: Guido and Godfrey were also happy for Arnold ;)