TANZICT: Starting brainstorming by selecting interesting trends
TANZICT: Can we use these five trends?
TANZICT: What does this trend mean...?
TANZICT: First mobile app ideas for women on the gameboard!
TANZICT: Johnpaul (as the only man and waiter) did a great job with refreshments!
TANZICT: Generating ideas is serious business
TANZICT: GPS board almost full of ideas
TANZICT: Scoring the ideas with the team
TANZICT: This trend / sector has a lot of good ideas
TANZICT: My points go to this idea
TANZICT: Ready for next step! Refinement
TANZICT: Teams coming up with project plans for implementation
TANZICT: Each four mobile apps ideas had someone who wanted to carry it forward
TANZICT: "What challenges are there in the implementation? How to overcome them?"
TANZICT: Two generations of Barrettos'