Tanzbar: Cuddles
Tanzbar: woodenclown in the hospital
Tanzbar: flower refection
Tanzbar: Don't you slip on my skin
Tanzbar: inside the second hand camera shop
Tanzbar: Eli and Mummy on the day we can get out of the hospital
Tanzbar: Rolly box
Tanzbar: IMG_0007
Tanzbar: Eli spelled out the word EASY
Tanzbar: an ernest man
Tanzbar: the family, well part of it
Tanzbar: Pole and a car
Tanzbar: I give you my number, if you are worried, give me a call
Tanzbar: IMG_0006
Tanzbar: clinic clowns that come along every wednesday to cheer up kids in the Kinderklinik in München http://klinikclowns.de/
Tanzbar: trying out the macro lense
Tanzbar: Eli and I
Tanzbar: going for a walk
Tanzbar: which one should I buy?
Tanzbar: on the way to do their job
Tanzbar: walking to work
Tanzbar: Blue Sky
Tanzbar: wave good bye
Tanzbar: windrad
Tanzbar: time to play in the sand
Tanzbar: She loves her sunglasses
Tanzbar: Monkey Magic
Tanzbar: IMG_0011
Tanzbar: you shall not be thirsty here
Tanzbar: Cosmopolitan waiting for me in the fridge mmmh