Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Advance Party
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): The Tans, minus Matthew and Isaac
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Czechoslovakia
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): German Democratic Republic
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): "The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you"
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): La douleur m'a brisée, la fraternité m'a relevée
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Welcome to the Centre of History and Peace
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Hawker Typhoon
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Like a kid in a toy store
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Hawker Typhoon JP656 / BR-S (replica) from the 184th Squadron.
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Wall mural showing the landings at Omaha Beach. Note the long beaches ahead and the high dune walls in the background. These turned out to be killing fields for the American GIs
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Accompanying display for the Hawker Typhoon on display
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): French Mural
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): An ancient typewriter
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): German commander peak cap and artillery insignia
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): MG42 Machine Gun (middle)
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Badge of a Jew.
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Uniform of the SS soldier
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Map showing the direction flow of Jewish and Political prisoners eastwards until they reach the major extermination camps, including Auschwitz.
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Display documenting Japanese mass murders, including the Sook Ching Massacre in Singapore during 1942
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Samurai Sword from an officer of the Imperial Japanese Army
Dad Bear (Adrian Tan): Maps showing the war fronts in 1943 in both Europe and the Far East