tanyandsuki: twin peaks!
tanyandsuki: <3 munroe motors
tanyandsuki: obligatory wing shot
tanyandsuki: heavenly brekkie
tanyandsuki: upright, almost
tanyandsuki: it's called a loveseat for a reason
tanyandsuki: sweet shades, pete
tanyandsuki: j perfecting that nasaly buggles sound
tanyandsuki: the mtv generation
tanyandsuki: ken FTW!
tanyandsuki: hey, rodrigo!
tanyandsuki: max&julie1
tanyandsuki: the spaniel won, duh
tanyandsuki: best wine/snack pairing EVAR, brice station winery
tanyandsuki: where we fell
tanyandsuki: keybutt. alpine lake.
tanyandsuki: air air-guitar!
tanyandsuki: top 'o the outhouse to ya
tanyandsuki: many feet above route 4, en route to lake
tanyandsuki: penguin pete & max
tanyandsuki: bromance and "i'll do big arms"
tanyandsuki: of course
tanyandsuki: zomg paprikas csirke!
tanyandsuki: palinka, termeszetesen :)
tanyandsuki: fishies <3
tanyandsuki: max & dedi
tanyandsuki: max & dedi 2
tanyandsuki: blue-butted spidey
tanyandsuki: they start'em young in murphys, ca