::Tanty::: pict0677.jpg
::Tanty::: gnulinex
::Tanty::: N950 dev kit
::Tanty::: ASM deliver for the Pepephone SIM
::Tanty::: Applications Fullscreener Icon
::Tanty::: Skype Autolauncher for N8x0 icon
::Tanty::: Skype Autolauncher 0.0.2 Control Panel snapshot
::Tanty::: skype-autolauncher-home-applet-snapshot
::Tanty::: 1-original
::Tanty::: 2-original
::Tanty::: 3-original
::Tanty::: apps-fullscreener.64
::Tanty::: apps-fullscreener-debian-control.64
::Tanty::: skype-autolauncher.64
::Tanty::: skype-autolauncher-settings.64
::Tanty::: Skype Tango Icon
::Tanty::: 3-original
::Tanty::: 2-original
::Tanty::: 1-original
::Tanty::: Rhythmbox and Grilo 0.1
::Tanty::: Totem and Grilo 0.1
::Tanty::: 4x3 Igalia wallpaper
::Tanty::: 16x9 Igalia wallpaper
::Tanty::: Igalia wallpaper for the N9 and N950 MeeGo devices
::Tanty::: Igalia wallpaper for the N900, N810, N800 and N770 Maemo devices
::Tanty::: N9 face recognition, detecting
::Tanty::: N9 face recognition, face tagged
::Tanty::: N9 face recognition, non detecting
::Tanty::: N9 face recognition, success!!!
::Tanty::: N9 face recognition, suggesting