Tansy Liverwort: members of the cadet academy for honor & excellence. brooklyn, new york.
Tansy Liverwort: at the veteran's day parade
Tansy Liverwort: a brief rest, before the battle
Tansy Liverwort: down eastern parkway on the way to synagogue during passover
Tansy Liverwort: Proud Cymbalists
Tansy Liverwort: god bless america 2
Tansy Liverwort: The Little Brigade
Tansy Liverwort: the tiniest bobby
Tansy Liverwort: Little lonely alien
Tansy Liverwort: The hasids study scripture as they silently protest Zionism
Tansy Liverwort: Freedom of Expression in 2008
Tansy Liverwort: god bless america.
Tansy Liverwort: unhappy little girl at the caribbean parade