Tansy Liverwort:
Tansy & Shookie - nap pals
Tansy Liverwort:
the long ride
Tansy Liverwort:
Trixie-Belle Nosy Parker
Tansy Liverwort:
drama in the ER
Tansy Liverwort:
through the restaurant window, onto the square, on boxing day.
Tansy Liverwort:
late night after the rain
Tansy Liverwort:
late night dog walk
Tansy Liverwort:
Why is a raven writing?
Tansy Liverwort:
fly boy
Tansy Liverwort:
Shooks and me.
Tansy Liverwort:
MeeMoo at the Vet
Tansy Liverwort:
dusk on the high line
Tansy Liverwort:
Same place. Different view.
Tansy Liverwort:
Same place. Different view.
Tansy Liverwort:
i want to be the girl with the most bags.
Tansy Liverwort:
I heart 9th street with all my heart.
Tansy Liverwort:
seeing the leisure class.
Tansy Liverwort:
Mama-loo. Star of the magician's street show
Tansy Liverwort:
deja vu...Billie.
Tansy Liverwort:
Ogden museum of southern art
Tansy Liverwort:
blue men. not mad men.
Tansy Liverwort:
shookie levinson in a sunspot
Tansy Liverwort:
waiting for baker street.
Tansy Liverwort:
At the Shake Shack
Tansy Liverwort:
da boys.
Tansy Liverwort:
MeeMoo @ the Vet
Tansy Liverwort:
the frozen tundra
Tansy Liverwort:
not. scared.