Tannenberg: well good fucking morning to you to
Tannenberg: Working hard on 4700 m altitude
Tannenberg: pimp my horse 2007 champion
Tannenberg: sliced
Tannenberg: And they just stood there with these looks of "fuck off" on thier faces
Tannenberg: come on officer, will you pass it already
Tannenberg: suggar
Tannenberg: djungle horsies
Tannenberg: Burma
Tannenberg: setting an exaple for the kids, smoke 100% natural rolled leafs
Tannenberg: china...what else can you expect
Tannenberg: pond of dali
Tannenberg: tibetan kiddos
Tannenberg: summer of bros
Tannenberg: nomad cutie
Tannenberg: horsie!
Tannenberg: heaven
Tannenberg: coming down
Tannenberg: Mirror mirror in the lake, are you real or are you fake?
Tannenberg: nomad kids
Tannenberg: are you talking to me!?
Tannenberg: The clouds are passing low today
Tannenberg: the weatherman's wet dream
Tannenberg: Just kicking it back before the anual Pimp My Horse Competition
Tannenberg: Parking lot
Tannenberg: The phone chain
Tannenberg: Rascals
Tannenberg: religion blows
Tannenberg: Picture or painting?