Br3nda: gadget desk
Br3nda: What's in me bag these days?
Br3nda: the 2 units together
Br3nda: pair with the cellphone
Br3nda: wireslessly watching a dvd
Br3nda: bluetooth for my ipod nano
Br3nda: pylons for dad
Br3nda: no wifi
Br3nda: Gadgets on my desk today
Br3nda: HTC apache - cdma
Br3nda: bluetooth and cdma....
Br3nda: SSC_7317.JPG
Br3nda: SSC_7315.JPG
Br3nda: SSC_7314.JPG
Br3nda: Shiny Micro
Br3nda: SSC_7312.JPG
Br3nda: DSC_7292
Br3nda: Pete at work on the Waccom Tablet
Br3nda: DSC_7294
Br3nda: ubuntu dapper drake install
Br3nda: gnome?
Br3nda: splash screen
Br3nda: booting ubuntu
Br3nda: thumb board
Br3nda: booting
Br3nda: sony... :-)
Br3nda: wifi
Br3nda: gadget
Br3nda: gadget... woot!
Br3nda: Dave's new shiny