Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Helicopter with a Bambi Bucket
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: L188 Electra Air Tanker
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Air Tractor AT802 Amphib
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Air Tractor AT802 Amphib
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Canadair CL-215 ~ Northwest Territories
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Canadair CL-215 ~ Northwest Territories
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Canadair CL-215 ~ Northwest Territories
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Canadair CL-215 ~ Northwest Territories
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Wildcat Helicopter Filling the Belly Tank
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Wildcat Helicopter Belly Tank
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Wildcat Helicopter Filling the Belly Tank
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Planes emerging from the smoke
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Helicopter dropping water
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Wildcat Helicopter with Bambi Bucket
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Wildcat Helicopter with a Belly Tank
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Wildcat Helicopter with a Belly Tank
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Wildcat Helicopters filling their Belly Tanks
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Passing Rattlesnake Island (Canadair CL-215 ~ Northwest Territories)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Canadair CL-215 ~ Northwest Territories
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Canadair CL-215 ~ Northwest Territories
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Scooping the water (Canadair CL-215 ~ Northwest Territories)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Emptying the Tank (Canadair CL-215 ~ Northwest Territories)
Photography Through Tania's Eyes: Bell 212 HP Helicopter with Bambi Bucket